
UFO-Unidentified flying object -A mystery of universe – 23

Unidentified flying object -UFO

Unidentified flying object– Any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be instantly identified or explained is referred to as an unexplained flying object (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP).

History of Unidentified flying object

People have always looked up at the sky and occasionally witnessed what seemed to some to be unusual sights, including comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that are easily visible to the unaided eye, planetary conjunctions, and atmospheric optical phenomena like parahelia and lenticular clouds.

One particularly well-known example is Halley’s Comet, which was originally noticed in the sky as a weird and unidentified “guest light” by Chinese astronomers as early as 240 BC and maybe as early as 467 BC.

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While UFO enthusiasts have occasionally noted the similarities in story between specific religious symbols in mediaeval paintings and Unidentified flying object reports . Art historians assigning more traditional religious readings to such artworks have established the canonical and symbolic nature of such motifs.

Fewer UFOs remain unexplained after inquiry, with the majority being recognized as known objects or atmospheric phenomena.


After World War II, Unidentified flying object gained societal traction.

Government-sponsored research and inquiries into Unidentified flying object reports. There are now two departments within the US government responsible for gathering and DATA of UAP Unidentified flying object

The first alien abduction account being sensationalized

Unidentified flying object were an element of the preoccupation with the unexplained and paranormal in American popular culture from the 1960s to the 1990s. When Barney and Betty Hill underwent hypnosis after observing a UFOs, they claimed regained memories of their event that were increasingly detailed over time. This led to the first alien abduction account being sensationalized in 1961.

In response to Unidentified flying object fervor, there have always been persistent but less well-liked attempts to refute many of the claims, and occasionally the media was involved, such as in a 1966 TV special called “UFO: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?” where Walter Cronkite “patiently” explained to viewers that UFOs were fiction.


Cronkite consulted Allen Hynek and Carl Sagan, who informed him that there was no current, credible scientific evidence that extraterrestrial life had visited Earth.

According to historian Greg Eghigian, “over the last fifty years, the mutual hostility between paranormal believers and sceptics has largely framed discussion about unidentified flying objects” and that “it often gets personal,”.

 With those who take seriously the possibility that UFOs are from extraterrestrial origin dismissing those who think it is worthwhile to study them as “narrow-minded, biased, obstinate, and cruel,” while the sceptics brushed off “devotees”.

Only 34% of Americans, according to a YouGov poll from October 2022, think that Unidentified flying object are likely to contain alien life.

Professor of philosophy and religion Diana Walsh Pasulka of the University of North Carolina claims in her research on the connection between media and Unidentified flying object beliefs that what is seen on a screen “if it conforms to certain criteria, is interpreted as real, even if it is not real and even if one knows it is not real” and that “screen images embed themselves in one’s brain and memories” in ways that “can determine how one views one’s past and even determine one’s future behavior’s.”


Studies reports-

Over the years, various Unidentified flying object cases have been investigated with varying degrees of scientific rigour and breadth. It is known that governments or independent scholars in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Peru, France, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, and the Soviet Union have at various times looked into Unidentified flying object accounts. No official government inquiry has ever made the publicly available conclusion tha tUnidentified flying object are undeniably genuine, physical objects, of extraterrestrial origin, or a threat to national security.

Is there any evidence of UFO ?

Several military officers testified before the House subcommittee in July 2023 that UFOs pose a threat to national security. However, there is no public physical evidence of extraterrestrial life.

What is the another name of UFO ?

It is also called flying saucer.

Name some organization who involve to study of UFO .

Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), Mutual UFO Network, National UFO Reporting Center.

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