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Supreme court of India Ban Firecrackers-2023

Supreme Court Of India Ban Firecrackers

On Tuesday, Supreme court of India ban Firecrackers , issued an order prohibiting the use of barium and other prohibited substances in firecrackers, stating that this restriction extends to all states, not only the National Capital Region.

The Supreme Court provided the clarification during a hearing on a plea concerning the use of firecrackers in the state of Rajasthan.

 Supreme Court Of India Ban Firecrackers

The bench said during Tuesday’s hearing: “As this court has already issued multiple rulings indicating ways to limit and prevent air and noise pollution, no specific order will be required at this time. The directives would apply to all states in the nation, including Rajasthan.”

The Supreme Court stated earlier in the day that the matter couldn’t turn into a political conflict and that the “murder of people’s health” is caused by the bad quality of the air in Delhi, where the Air Quality Index was over 400.

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The Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that the use of firecrackers is not entirely forbidden, but that the use of those that include barium salts is. It said that this was being flagrantly broken and threatened that high ranking officials across the board “shall be held personally liable” for any infractions.

In October 2018, the Supreme Court decided against outright banning firecrackers, ruling instead that only green crackers—which are less polluting—may be sold, and only through authorized retailers. The Court had prohibited the sale of firecrackers online and restrained e-commerce platforms from selling them.

Why Supreme Court Of India Ban Firecrackers-

Around the world, firecrackers are a common and essential component of festivals, festivities, and cultural customs. They are well-known for their loud explosions and vibrant displays, but they also pose a hidden risk to human health, especially when they include dangerous substances like barium.

Here we describe some of the few reasons Why Supreme Court Of India Ban Firecrackers-

  • In firecrackers, barium is frequently used to create vivid green color’s for fireworks displays. Barium compounds emit green light when ignited. However, handling firecrackers and being exposed to their emissions both carry significant health concerns due to the usage of barium in these pyrotechnics.
  • In addition to fine particle inhalation and other hazardous chemical exposure, direct barium exposure can cause a variety of health problems, ranging from respiratory distress and irritation to more serious ailments like heavy metal toxicity and barium poisoning. In order to reduce these risks and safeguard the environment and public health, it is crucial to look into alternatives to conventional firecrackers and to encourage the appropriate use of explosives.
 Supreme Court Of India Ban Firecrackers
  • Heavy metals and other compounds, such as lead, cadmium, and antimony, are frequently found in firecrackers in addition to barium. Firecrackers pose health concerns that can be further exacerbated by these substances. Lead poisoning, for example, is known to occur when lead-contaminated dust or soil is consumed by youngsters following fireworks displays.
  • In addition, the combination of the chemical emissions and noise produced by firecrackers might have a significant negative effect on mental health. People who have sensory sensitivity issues or post-traumatic stress disorders may find it especially difficult to cope with the loud explosions and experience anxiety, panic attacks, and tension.
  • It is also important to consider the environmental effects of firecrackers that contain chemicals and barium. The pollutants that are emitted into the atmosphere during fireworks displays damage ecosystems, endanger human and wildlife health in the long run, and add to air and soil pollution.

Which metal is used in Firecrackers ?

In Firecrackers, Iron creates orange sparks, which makes sense given the colour of rusted iron, while aluminum, titanium, and magnesium are used to produce nearly bright white sparks. Yellow-gold sparks are created when iron and titanium combine to form ferro-titanium.

Who invented firecrackers?

Firecrackers are credited to a Chinese monk by the name of Li Tian almost a millennium ago.

Why firecrackers on combustion produces sound?

The reason for this is that chemical reactions have caused a sudden and massive production of gas. Sounds when the cracker is ignited.

Who invented firecrackers in India?

One historical theory holds that the Arabs brought gunpowder technology from China to India and Europe. Abdur Razzaq created one of the earliest mentions of the pyrotechnics display utilising gunpowder in India in 1443.

What are green firecrackers?

The CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR NEERI) defines “green crackers” as firecrackers that have a smaller shell, don’t produce ash, and/or have additives like dust suppressants to lower emissions, particularly particulate matter.

Why firecrackers are banned?

Noise and air pollution can result from firecrackers. Temporary inhalation of fireworks smoke can exacerbate lung illness, leading to acute bronchitis and asthma, and heightening the risk of respiratory infections.

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