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Trump Versus Biden-History Rematch In Nearly 70 years -24

Trump Versus Biden

When the US prepares for its upcoming presidential elections in November, it will be Trump Versus Biden once more. It comes as no surprise that both candidates have officially won enough delegates in various states from several primaries and caucuses to be regarded as their parties’ presidential choices, paving the way for the first presidential rematch in nearly 70 years.

Author Marianne Williamson, Congressman Dean Philips, and businessman Jason Palmer provided Biden with little opposition during the Democratic primary. The Indian-American former UN ambassador Nikki Haley was the last straw for the prominent Republicans who attempted to unseat the outgoing president, but they were unable to do so.

Only after securing the majority of votes on the nominating convention floor, which is expected to occur later this year, does a presidential candidate formally become the Republican or Democratic nominee. At the party’s official convention in August in Chicago, Biden would be announced as the nominee. The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July will see the official nomination of Trump.

An extraordinary rematch bet. Trump Versus Biden

In the 2020 presidential contest, Biden defeated Trump, taking office as the 46th US President. This year’s elections would bring the two together for the first time in almost 70 years. The last presidential rematch took place in 1956 when Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower triumphed over Democratic Candidate Adlai Stevenson once more, having defeated Stevenson four years before.

In both the 1896 and 1900 elections, Republican William McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan. After Democrat Martin Van Buren beat Whig Party leader William Henry Harrison in 1836, Harrison prevailed in their rematch and won the presidency four years later.

In 1824, Andrew Jackson triumphed over John Quincy Adams; nevertheless, in 1828, Jackson overcame the incumbent Adams.

Furthermore, should Trump emerge victorious, he will become the second American president to retake the White House twice without holding consecutive terms.

Grover Cleveland served as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, having been elected in 1884 and 1892.

Despite winning the popular vote in 1888, Republican Benjamin Harrison defeated Cleveland in the electoral college.

What kind of consequences exist?

With two conflicts raging in Ukraine and Gaza, a stronger China and Russia, and other global issues, the country’s future course is at stake in this year’s presidential elections, which have enormous significance. Though worries about Biden’s mental health have grown due to his many errors and gaffes, both the 81-year-old and the 77-year-old have faced concerns about their memory and aging

Even while Biden promises to protect civil rights on issues like abortion and defend democracy, many liberals are still irritated by his backing of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, which has caused a small percentage of Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in some states.

Meanwhile, Trump has pledged to correct the mistakes of the previous government by bringing back stricter immigration restrictions and changing the current status quo.

What is the position of each side?

Most Americans do not want to see Biden and Trump rematch. Sixty-seven percent of respondents to a January Reuters/Ipsos poll said they were “tired of seeing the same candidates in presidential elections and want someone new,” yet just eighteen percent said they would not vote if Biden and Trump were their options.

Trump and Biden were leading by just two points as of March, according to an exclusive USA Today/Suffolk University poll. This is a smaller margin than in previous surveys, which showed the former President building a strong lead over the incumbent President prior to the nominations being approved.

Biden was five points behind Trump in a different poll conducted by Siena College and the New York Times.

Weaknesses on both sides

The electoral campaign of Joe Biden is full with obstacles. Indelible images of desperate people attempting to escape a country that US troops battled to defend for two decades before losing to the Taliban in a matter of months were left behind by the disastrous US pullout from Afghanistan. During the departure of US citizens and allies, a suicide attack outside the Kabul airport claimed the lives of thirteen US troops.

In addition, Biden’s approval rating has dropped by at least 20 percentage points among young adults, independents, moderates, and Hispanic adults. Biden has been particularly troubled by the economy ever since inflation reached a 40-year high in 2022. Even though inflation has decreased over the past two years, only 34% of US adults agree with Biden’s economic policies, and 57% believe the country’s economy has gone worse since Biden assumed office.

Donald Trump may suffer from his numerous criminal charges—he is accused of 91 felonies in four different indictments—among suburban and educated voters, whose support he has always found difficult to win. On March 25 in New York, he is set to become the first former US president to face trial in a criminal case. It is widely believed that the federal indictment in Washington, which charges him with attempting to rig the 2020 elections, is the most serious case against him.

Moreover, Trump has encountered difficulties in obtaining backing from non-Republicans and moderates. These organizations have greater doubts than conservative Republicans did about Trump’s capacity to lead the country or win a presidential election. Republicans who lean to the center have also made it clear that they might not support Trump in the general election.

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