The Internet: A Powerful Legacy for Life | 2023
Life After and Before Internet
Today, when we think about life 100 years back, we come to know how much difference has come between today and 100 years ago.
Till 100 years ago, our life seemed very stagnant.
Means of transport were negligible. There were no amenities of any kind. Neither any kind of health facility nor any communication system.

Gradually progress in science kept happening and the world kept shrinking.
Today we can move from one place to another whether it is 100 kms, 200 kms or even 500 kms without much prior preparation. But earlier it was not like this, it used to take a whole day to travel even the first 10 kms. The whole life of a person used to pass by doing household chores from morning to evening.
Then neither there was any kind of such comfort, neither there was any comfort nor there was any education. Still, there was a lot of comfort in it. All the members of the house used to spend most of their time with each other. The people of the village used to live with brotherhood among themselves. Used to be useful to each other in sorrow and happiness.
But now all this is rarely seen because now science has made a lot of progress. Along with the means of transport, there is a lot of luxury. There has been a radical change in the medium of communication. Reading and writing have become very easy. There has been a lot of progress in terms of amenities. But in spite of all this there is no peace in the mind of man.
Let us know a little about the progress made in the media today.

In earlier time, it took a long time to convey news from one place to another. Earlier, either by sending a letter through a bird, or by a human, news of happiness and sorrow used to be sent from one village to another. Later, gradually the postal department was born, now the letters started going from one place to another a little faster. Then Telegram was born. In this, it became easy to convey news from one place to another in brief.
With the change of time, telephone came in human life.

Telephone is a device by which we can send our messages from one place to another immediately. And you can also hear the sound coming from the other side. Telephone or is a Greek word in which tele means far and phone means voice. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and his other assistants. This The equipment typically consists of a power source, a switch, a dialer for dialing numbers, a ring, transmitter, receiver, etc. components.
With the help of telephone we could directly hear each other’s voice while sitting far away. After a long time, mobile was born. With this, each person could contact each other whenever he wanted. But even then we could only hear each other’s voice and could not see the face directly.
And then science made a very important discovery. So that we can directly talk to each other in a few seconds, sitting thousands of kilometers away and see the face. It seems that he is sitting right in front of us. All this amazing happened only and only because of Internet.
So let us discuss the role of internet in human life today.

The Internet
is a system of worldwide connected computer networks that communicate with one another using the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP)
The Internet is the single-largest network of networks (or “internet”), made up of private, public, academic, business, and government networks with a range of local to international reach that are connected by a wide range of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.
The World Wide Web (WWW), which is made up of interconnected hypertext pages and applications, as well as email, phone service, and file sharing, are just a few of the many information resources and services available on the Internet.
The Internet, sometimes known as “the Net” or just “the Internet,” is a global system of computer networks in which users at any one computer can, with permission, obtain information from any other computer and, on occasion, communicate directly with users at other computers. OR
It is a kind of huge network that keeps all the computers of the world connected. Through this internet, computer mobile and all other communication systems work.
The Internet was invented in the 1960s by the US Department of Defense for the development of packet switching and research to enable and work with computers to increase the country’s military strength.
The first message was sent by on 29 October 1962.

A company called ARPANET designed a communication model by which on January 1, 1983, the facility of sending data across multiple networks was provided. Today’s internet was also born on this day.
Internet speed
The time it takes to transfer a certain amount of data from one place to another can be called internet speed. This data transfer takes place through the computer.
Dark web

Many sites are used to access the dark web. It requires a variety of decryption and configuration bridges, especially used by people involved in unethical activities such as arms supply, drug supply, political dissension, etc.
With the advent of the Internet, it became easy to connect different computer networks around the world, due to which there was a lot of progress in communication and commerce. Although the Internet was born in America in the 1970s, but it came directly to the general public in the 1990s.
Within 30 years, almost half of the world’s population has access to the Internet and this number is increasing continuously.
The wonder of the Internet is that all the smart gadgets of today, such as smartphones, irrigation, vehicles, traffic, airplanes, thermostats, health facilities, security systems, entertainment, sit at the heart of all these, and the Internet rules.
Today every person is connected through internet, this social media, news channel, transmission of audio and video, mail, etc. whose use depends on information, all work through internet only.
Internet also has an important role in business. Nowadays presence of internet has become mandatory for every businessman whether it is small or big businessman.
Ecommerce site can work smoothly only through internet.

Today there is no need for man to go to the shop again and again to buy things useful for his life. Now whenever he wants to take the things of his use from any shop through the internet, he can order them through his mobile in a few moments.
DARPA was the first to work on satellite-based and ground-based networks. The ground packet radio system provided the facility of communication by mobile.
Later on, many other systems also emerged from time to time.
The United States, Norway, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom all used packet satellite networks, provided by DARPA, to connect their satellites.

As the speed of the Internet increased, commercial Internet service started using the Internet to expand business.
This later gave birth to the personal computer. Now the world has started progressing double during the day and quadruple during the night.
In 1984, AT&T and later NSF, NSFNET started providing its services at the national level and it proved to be the backbone of the country’s progress. And later all the countries of the world also started using it.
By the 1990s, there were more than 10,000 Internet service providers around the world, most of which were located in the US and provided local services. In the late 1990s, advertising revenue had only just begun.
At the beginning of the 21st century, another internet called web2 emerged which made a splash in social networking, it was an internet working on cloud computing, many types of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. made full use of it. Now even mobile phones have gone ahead in using the internet service web and new mobile companies such as Apple, iPhone have launched their smart smart phones in the market, thus the number of users using the internet around the world is around 2005. Nearly half of the world’s population…
In today’s time, we can connect gadgets in our daily routine such as desktop mobile phones, tablets, gaming consoles, etc. to the internet in many ways. We will highlight some of the types of internet connections below.
Internet services provided by different companies exist. Cell phone calling plans are also available. Internet speed is good in mobile and wherever mobile signals are available, we can use internet there. But the internet speed is not the same everywhere.
WiFi is a local area network, which provides internet through a router. It can connect to different devices through internet.
The same hotspot also uses WiFi technology by which electronic devices are connected by radio signals through wireless technology.
Dial up connection.

To use the Internet, a computer needs to be connected to the Internet. This is a special type of connection, also known as analog. It is old technology and the biggest drawback was that you could not make phone calls while using the internet.

DSL technology was used after dial up connections. In this two copper wires which are attached to the telephone line are used. In DSL, one can use telephone service along with internet service. That is to say, the subscriber can now talk while surfing the internet.

In some areas such as mountainous areas where it is not possible to lay a network of wires, internet service is provided by satellite for broadband connection, in which a modem is also used.

ISDL is used where there is a need to send video voice and data along with the Internet. An adapter is required to provide ISDL service. This adapter has to be used on both sides. The one who uses this internet has an adapter installed there, an internet provider company also has an end adapter installed there.
After, all above discussion, we can now say that one can’t imagine the life without Internet.
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